Evolution of Automation in Software Change Management

Invest in automation.

Evolution of Automation in Software Change Management 

The journey of automating software change management is similar to the evolution of autonomous vehicles, marked by increasing levels of automation from manual processes to full autonomy. At the start, every decision is manually made, with a direct hands-on approach. As we start integrating automation, our journey undergoes a remarkable transformation. This evolution spans five levels, each bringing new tools and methodologies that enhance our ability to steer projects more effectively.

Level 0: Manual Control 

At Level 0, we're in a completely manual mode. Every part of the change management process, from reviewing code changes to testing and deploying, is done by hand. At this stage, no automation has been introduced yet. It's all about relying on the basic, foundational manual processes that form the core of change management, akin to driving a classic car with no modern assistive technologies.

Level 1: Assisted Automation 

Moving to Level 1, we see the first signs of automation lending a hand. Though the process remains largely manual, we now have some assistance for specific tasks, easing the workload slightly. Basic automation tools, such as syntax checkers and simple automated testing frameworks, start to play a role. These tools begin relieving the team of the most repetitive tasks, like having cruise control in a car.

Level 2: Partial Automation 

At Level 2, our automation journey takes a significant leap forward. We now have multiple automated systems working together, tackling more complex tasks and significantly lightening the manual workload, though human oversight remains essential. Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment (CD) systems, and comprehensive automated testing frameworks become crucial. They automate the build and deploy processes and ensure thorough testing, akin to a race car team working in perfect harmony to keep the car running at peak performance.

Level 3: Conditional Automation 

By Level 3, the system gains the ability to manage most of the change management process under certain predefined conditions without human intervention. It marks a major step towards autonomy, where the system can handle familiar scenarios independently. This level introduces more sophisticated deployment and testing automation tools and feature flagging. These tools allow for advanced, automated deployments and detailed testing scenarios, offering the control to navigate known challenges with minimal oversight.

Level 4: High Automation 

Reaching Level 4, the system exhibits high levels of automation, capable of handling nearly all scenarios independently. The system makes informed decisions in real-time based on complex data analysis. Advanced monitoring tools, canary releases, blue/green deployment strategies, and automated rollbacks become pivotal. They ensure that deployments are safe and performance is monitored. They minimize the need for direct human intervention, like an advanced autonomous vehicle that can navigate most roads and conditions.

Level 5: Full Automation 

At Level 5, we achieve full automation. The change management process is entirely autonomous, capable of adapting to any scenario without human guidance. This represents the pinnacle of our automation journey. AI-driven decision-making and predictive analytics are the hallmarks of this level. They empower the system to anticipate potential issues and proactively adjust, ensuring smooth and efficient change deployment. This level of automation mirrors a futuristic vehicle that operates without a driver, seamlessly navigating any challenge.

Through this journey across the levels of automation in software change management, we transition from manual processes to a fully automated system. Each level introduces potential tools and practices that streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and accelerate the delivery of high-quality software products.

Embracing this evolution is key to unlocking new levels of efficiency and innovation in software development. 

At Zymera, we analyze and determine areas in which you will benefit the most from increased levels of automation and help develop strategies.  Contact us to get started